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Welcome to Webcars

We supply and finance all makes and models of new cars

Our vehicle leasing knowledge, expertise and experience will assist you in acquiring a brand new car of your choice.

Business Leasing and Contract Hire involves leasing a car for an agreed period of time at a fixed monthly cost. Similarly, for private individuals, Personal Contract Hire (PCH) means cost effective, flexible motoring and the vehicle is not subject to Benefit in Kind tax. For both businesses and personal use, all servicing and maintenance can be provided, giving you peace of mind fixed price motoring with no unpredictable costs.

We build long-term relationships with our customers by understanding their needs and delivering efficient, cost effective car leasing and contract hire.

We are a member of the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA), the body which represents our industry in the UK.

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All offers on this website are for non-regulated Business Contract Hire.

For offers on Personal Contract Hire contact us directly on 01908 262662.

Excess Mileage Charges: Our Contract Hire Agreements are subject to excess mileage charges. These apply to each mile you drive over your total mileage allowance.