Data Protection Notice

How your personal information is used by LVC Central Ltd

The Data Protection Act 1998 requires LVC Central Ltd to manage personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Principles. In particular, we are required to process your personal information fairly and lawfully. This means that you are entitled to know how we intend to use any information you provide. You can then decide whether you want to give it to us in order that we may provide the product or service that you require.

All of our employees are personally responsible for maintaining customer confidentiality. We provide training and education to all employees to remind them about their obligations. In addition, our policies and procedures are regularly audited and reviewed by the BVRLA, our trade body for the vehicle rental and leasing sector.

The information will be kept securely, and will be kept no longer than necessary.

LVC Central Ltd
Registered Office:
2 Cosgrove Road
Old Stratford
Milton Keynes
MK19 6AF

Data protection registration Z8717413

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority – Reference Number: 718938

Company Registration Number:3102865

VAT Number: 786 6295 68

Putting You In The Driving Seat